United States Department of Agriculture
Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services
Risk Management Agency
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Stop 0801
Washington, DC 20250-0801
All Risk Management Agency Field Offices
All Other Interested Parties
- Common Crop Insurance Policy & Area Risk Protection Insurance
The 2018 CY projected prices shown below are approved for the following plans of insurance: Yield Protection, Area Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, Area Revenue Protection, Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion, and Area Revenue Protection with the Harvest Price Exclusion. The 2018 CY volatility factors shown below are approved for the following plans of insurance: Revenue Protection, Area Revenue Protection, Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion, and Area Revenue Protection with the Harvest Price Exclusion. The projected prices and volatility factors apply to policies with a March 15 sales closing date, unless otherwise indicated, and are applicable for the crops, practices, types, and states indicated below:
Projected Price
Volatility Factor Barley
Kansas (Spring type)CBOT July
Corn$3.23/bushel 0.10 Barley – Organic Practice
Kansas (Spring type)CBOT July
Corn$6.90/bushel 0.10 Barley
Iowa, Nebraska,
New York (Spring type)
& Pennsylvania (Spring type)CBOT September
Corn$3.28/bushel 0.12 Barley – Organic Practice
Iowa, Nebraska,
New York (Spring type)
& Pennsylvania (Spring type)CBOT September
Corn$7.00/bushel 0.12 Barley
California (Spring types),
Colorado (Spring types),
Idaho (Spring types), Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon (Spring types), South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Washington (Spring types), Wisconsin & WyomingCBOT September
Corn$3.28/bushel 0.14 Barley – Organic Practice
California (Spring types),
Colorado (Spring types),
Idaho (Spring types), Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon (Spring types), South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Washington (Spring types), Wisconsin & WyomingCBOT September
Corn$7.00/bushel 0.14 Barley
AlaskaCBOT December
Corn$5.08/bushel 0.14 Barley – Organic Practice
AlaskaCBOT December
Corn$10.84/bushel 0.14 Barley
(March 15 Sales Closing Date, Winter Types without Winter Coverage Endorsement)
California, Idaho, Oregon
& Washington
(previously released 9/15/2017)CBOT September
Corn$3.29/bushel 0.18 Barley
(September 30 Sales Closing Date, Spring Type)
KansasCBOT July
Corn$3.23/bushel 0.10 Barley – Organic Practice
(September 30 Sales Closing Date, Spring Type)
KansasCBOT July
Corn$6.90/bushel 0.10 Barley
(September 30 Sales Closing Date, Spring Types)
New York & PennsylvaniaCBOT September
Corn$3.28/bushel 0.12 Barley – Organic Practice
(September 30 Sales Closing Date, Spring Types)
New York & PennsylvaniaCBOT September
Corn$7.00/bushel 0.12 Barley
(September 30 Sales Closing Date, Spring Types)
California, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon
& WashingtonCBOT September
Corn$3.28/bushel 0.14 Barley – Organic Practice
(September 30 Sales Closing Date, Spring Types)
California, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon
& WashingtonCBOT September
Corn$7.00/bushel 0.14 Barley
(October 31 Sales Closing Date, Spring Types)
Nevada & UtahCBOT September
Corn$3.28/bushel 0.14 Barley – Organic Practice
(October 31 Sales Closing Date, Spring Types)
Nevada & UtahCBOT September
Corn$7.00/bushel 0.14 Canola
All StatesICE November
Canola$0.184/pound 0.08 Canola - Rapeseed Type
All StatesICE November
Canola$0.264/pound 0.00 Canola
(August 31 Sales Closing Date,
Spring Type(s))
Idaho, Oregon & WashingtonICE November
Canola$0.184/pound 0.08 Canola - Rapeseed Type
(August 31 Sales Closing Date,
Spring Type(s))
Idaho, Oregon & WashingtonICE November
Canola$0.264/pound 0.00 Corn
Oklahoma & TexasCBOT December
Corn$3.96/bushel 0.14 Corn - Organic Practice
Oklahoma & TexasCBOT December
Corn$9.07/bushel 0.14 Corn
Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York,
North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin & WyomingCBOT December
Corn$3.96/bushel 0.15 Corn - Organic Practice
Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin & WyomingCBOT December
Corn$9.07/bushel 0.15 Corn
Idaho, Michigan, Oregon
& WashingtonCBOT December
Corn$3.96/bushel 0.16 Corn - Organic Practice
Idaho, Michigan, Oregon
& WashingtonCBOT December
Corn$9.07/bushel 0.16 Corn – High Amylose Type
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska & South DakotaCBOT December
Corn$5.54/bushel 0.15 Cotton
Missouri, Tennessee, Texas
& VirginiaICE December
Cotton$0.76/pound 0.14 Cotton - Organic Practice
Missouri, Tennessee, Texas
& VirginiaICE December
Cotton$1.16/pound 0.14 Cotton
Kansas, New Mexico & OklahomaICE December
Cotton$0.76/pound 0.15 Cotton - Organic Practice
Kansas, New Mexico & OklahomaICE December
Cotton$1.16/pound 0.15 Grain Sorghum
TexasCBOT December
Corn$3.83/bushel 0.14 Grain Sorghum – Organic Practice
TexasCBOT December
Corn$8.26/bushel 0.14 Grain Sorghum
All States, except TexasCBOT December
Corn$3.83/bushel 0.15 Grain Sorghum – Organic Practice
All States, except TexasCBOT December
Corn$8.26/bushel 0.15 Peanuts - Runner Type
New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
& VirginiaCBOT/ICE December Wheat, Cotton, Soybean Oil & Soybean Meal $0.2035/pound 0.13 Peanuts - Spanish Type
New Mexico, Oklahoma & TexasCBOT/ICE December Wheat, Cotton, Soybean Oil & Soybean Meal $0.2666/pound 0.13 Peanuts - Valencia Type
New Mexico, Oklahoma & TexasCBOT/ICE December Wheat, Cotton, Soybean Oil & Soybean Meal $0.2259/pound 0.13 Peanuts - Virginia Type
New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
& VirginiaCBOT/ICE December Wheat, Cotton, Soybean Oil & Soybean Meal $0.2259/pound 0.13 Popcorn
(previously released: 2/15/2018)CBOT September
Corn$0.1643/pound 0.14 Popcorn - Organic Practice
(previously released: 2/15/2018)CBOT September
Corn$0.2365/pound 0.14 Popcorn
All States, except Alabama
& MichiganCBOT December
Corn$0.1703/pound 0.15 Popcorn - Organic Practice
All States, except Alabama
& MichiganCBOT December
Corn$0.2451/pound 0.15 Popcorn
MichiganCBOT December
Corn$0.1703/pound 0.16 Popcorn - Organic Practice
MichiganCBOT December
Corn$0.2451/pound 0.16 Soybeans
Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska,
New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania,
South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington & WisconsinCBOT November
Soybeans$10.16/bushel 0.14 Soybeans - Organic Practice
Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska,
New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania,
South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington & WisconsinCBOT November
Soybeans$20.49/bushel 0.14 Soybeans
Delaware, Maryland, Oklahoma, Virginia & West VirginiaCBOT January
Soybeans$10.21/bushel 0.13 Soybeans - Organic Practice
Delaware, Maryland, Oklahoma, Virginia & West VirginiaCBOT January
Soybeans$20.59/bushel 0.13 Sunflowers - Oil Type
All StatesCBOT December
Soybean Oil$0.175/pound 0.12 Sunflowers - Oil Type;
Organic Practice
All StatesCBOT December
Soybean Oil$0.313/pound 0.12 Sunflowers - Confectionary Type
All StatesCBOT December
Soybean Oil$0.237/pound 0.12 Wheat - All Types Except Durum
Alaska, California, Colorado, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon (Klamath County only), South Dakota, Vermont, Wisconsin & WyomingMGE September
HRS Wheat$6.31/bushel 0.13 Wheat - All Types Except Durum; Organic Practice
Alaska, California, Colorado, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon (Klamath County only), South Dakota, Vermont, Wisconsin & WyomingMGE September
HRS Wheat$13.65/bushel 0.13 Wheat - Durum Type
Montana, North Dakota & South DakotaMGE September
HRS Wheat$7.11/bushel 0.13 Wheat - Durum Type;
Organic Practice
Montana, North Dakota & South DakotaMGE September
HRS Wheat$15.39/bushel 0.13 Wheat
(September 30 Sales Closing Date,
Spring Type)
California, Colorado, Iowa, Montana (including Khorasan), Nebraska, Oregon (Klamath County only), South Dakota, Wisconsin & WyomingMGE September
HRS Wheat$6.31/bushel 0.13 Wheat – Organic Practice
(September 30 Sales Closing Date,
Spring Type)
California, Colorado, Iowa, Montana (including Khorasan), Nebraska, Oregon (Klamath County only), South Dakota, Wisconsin & WyomingMGE September
HRS Wheat$13.65/bushel 0.13 Malting Barley Endorsement
The Malting Barley Endorsement (MBE) utilizes a Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) soft red wheat price component to derive the projected price for any insured whose malt barley contract provides for a premium amount above or below a base price to be determined, and the base price is not determined by the acreage reporting date. Please see the MBE for details: Policies
Malting Barley Type Exchange
Contract Projected Price
Spring Planted Type CBOT September
SRW Wheat$4.98/bushel 0.15 Hybrid Seed Price Endorsement
The following 2018 CY hybrid seed corn prices have been approved for the Hybrid Seed Price Endorsement: $3.96 per bushel for the non-organic practice; and $9.07 per bushel for the certified organic practice.
These amounts reflect the higher values of either: 1) the previously-released 2018 crop year MPCI hybrid seed corn price elections [non-organic practice: $3.95 per bushel; certified organic practice: $8.97 per bushel]; or 2) the futures-based prices derived from the average daily settlement price in February for the 2018 December CBOT corn contract [non-organic practice: $3.96 per bushel], multiplied by an organic corn price factor [certified organic practice: $9.07 per bushel].