United States Department of Agriculture
Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services
Risk Management Agency
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Stop 0801
Washington, DC 20250-0801
All Risk Management Agency Field Offices
All Other Interested Parties
- Background
The CEPP peanut factors necessary to establish the insured’s amount of protection under the peanut program for the 2019 CY are identified below. The factors are applied to the commodity prices for wheat, cotton, soybean oil, and soybean meal during the discovery period of January 15, 2019 to February 14, 2019. These factors apply only to states with a Sales Closing Date (SCD) of February 28, 2019, and are determined in accordance with the Peanut Price Methodology guidelines.
- Action
The factor values for the pricing of Yield Protection (01), Revenue Protection (02), and Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion (03) for peanuts in states and counties with a February 28, 2019 SCD as specified in the CEPP - Peanut for the 2019 crop year are shown below.
The values for the exponent factors for each commodity exchange futures contract are:
Commodity Abbreviation Value Wheat Ewh -0.2532 Cotton Ect 0.2503 Soybean Oil Eso 0.8746 Soybean Meal Esm -0.3131 The values for the price constant and price weighting factors are:
Variable Abbreviation Value Price Constant C 0.1514 Price Weighting Factor W 1.6071 The values for the type factors are:
Type Abbreviation Value Runner Tru 1.00 Spanish Tsp 1.31 Valencia Tva 1.06 Virginia Tvi 1.06 Additionally, the factor specifications for commodities utilized to determine price volatility are as follows:
Commodity Abbreviation Value Wheat Gwh 0.1264 Cotton Gct 0.4516 Soybean Oil Gso -0.0323 Soybean Meal Gsm 0.0551 The value for the volatility weighting factor is:
Variable Abbreviation Value Wheat V 2.2118 DISPOSAL DATE: December 31, 2019