1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Stop 0801
Washington, DC  20250-0801


June 16, 2021


All Approved Insurance Providers
All Risk Management Agency Field Offices
All Other Interested Parties


Richard H. Flournoy Deputy Administrator /s/ Richard H. Flournoy    6/16/2021


2020 Crop Year Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) Final County Yields for Buckwheat, Burley Tobacco, Cigar Binder Tobacco, Corn, Cucumbers, Dark Air Tobacco, Dry Beans, Fire Cured Tobacco, Flax, Flue Cured Tobacco, Grain Sorghum, Green Peas, Hybrid Corn Seed, Hybrid Seed Rice, Hybrid Sorghum Seed, Millet, Mustard, Peanuts, Popcorn, Processing Beans, Pumpkins, Rice, Sesame, Silage Sorghum, Soybeans, Sugar Beets, Sunflowers, Sweet Corn, and Tomatoes; 2020 Crop Year Margin Protection (MP) Final County Yields, Harvest Revenue and Harvest Margins for Corn, Soybean, and Rice; 2020 Crop Year Area Risk Protection Insurance (ARPI) Final County Yields and Final County Revenues for Corn, Popcorn, Grain Sorghum, Soybeans, and Rice

In accordance with Section 15 of the ARPI Crop Provisions, Section 14 of the MP Crop Provisions, and Section 10 of the SCO Endorsement, approved final county yields, final county revenues, harvest revenues, harvest margins and payment factors for the 2020 crop year will be available by close of business today in the following formats:

In some situations, the production area used to establish the expected yield did not have any final reported yields. In these instances, the Risk Management Agency determined final county yields in accordance with the applicable policy. The attachment identifies the basis for the final county yield determination in the affected counties.

December 31, 2021


Crop Year 2020 RMA Determined Final County Yields for Area Plans

Commodity State County Yield Data Basis Final Area Yield Basis
(0051) Grain Sorghum (05) AR (041) Desha IRR (05) AR\(107) Phillips\(002) Irrigated
(0051) Grain Sorghum (05) AR (041) Desha NIRR (05) AR\(107) Phillips\(003) Non-Irrigated
(0051) Grain Sorghum (05) AR (079) Lincoln NIRR (05) AR\(069) Jefferson\(003) Non-Irrigated
(0051) Grain Sorghum (22) LA (029) Concordia IRR (22) LA\(107) Tensas\(003) Non-Irrigated
(0051) Grain Sorghum (22) LA (029) Concordia NIRR (22) LA\(107) Tensas\(003) Non-Irrigated
(0064) Green Peas (27) MN (033) Cottonwood IRR (27) MN\(165) Watonwan\(003) Non-Irrigated
(0064) Green Peas (27) MN (033) Cottonwood NIRR (27) MN\(165) Watonwan\(003) Non-Irrigated
(0064) Green Peas (27) MN (127) Redwood IRR (27) MN\(015) Brown\(003) Non-Irrigated
(0064) Green Peas (27) MN (127) Redwood NIRR (27) MN\(015) Brown \(003) Non-Irrigated
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