1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Stop 0801
Washington, DC  20250-0801


December 09, 2022


All Approved Insurance Providers
All Risk Management Agency Field Offices
All Other Interested Parties


Heather Manzano, Deputy Administrator for Compliance /s/ Heather Manzano    12/9/2022


Revised 2023 SRA Appendix IV Review Requirements Matrix

The SRA Appendix IV Matrix is updated annually in accordance with renewal of the Standard Reinsurance Agreement unless a revision is needed.

Matrix revisions are needed to reduce redundancies, simplify the display of Individual Yield plans with separate endorsements, update Post-Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE), and update conflict of interest review requirements for Downed Rice and High-Risk Alternate Coverage endorsements.

Specifically, the following revisions are made:

  1. Reference to CAT for High-Risk Land is removed;
  2. Conflict of Interest review requirement column revised from ‘Y\*’ to ‘Y\Y’ for Individual Yield \High-Risk Alternate Coverage and Downed Rice endorsements;
  3. Individual Yield plans with Endorsements are consolidated and grouped by those endorsements having an insurance plan code verses those having an option code;
  4. PACE review requirements revised to match other Individual Yield plans\endorsements with an insurance plan code;
  5. Information appearing directly underneath the Matrix and in the illustration box has been incorporated into the box for codes used in the review matrix;
  6. Three new boxes added for notes, endorsement categories and codes.
This serves to inform our industry partners of revisions made to the 2023 SRA Appendix IV Review Requirements Matrix.

Until modified or rescinded

Attachment- Revised 2023 SRA Appendix IV Review Requirements Matrix
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