New York Crop Insurance
State Profile 2018
Revised March 2019
Crops Insured Acres Total Acres Percent Insured Apples 32,635 *40,000 82% Barley 1,641 6,806 24% Cabbage 3,636 6,696 54% Cherries - Tart 440 1,026 43% Corn 619,204 965,655 64% Dry Beans 3,269 5,187 63% Forage Production 2,043 205,960 1% Forage Seeding 0 N/A N/A Fresh Market Beans 2,290 3,382 68% Fresh Market Sweet Corn 1,437 5,889 24% Grain Sorghum 24 1,068 2% Grapes 18,744 *35,000 54% Green Peas 6,564 8,629 76% Oats 5,340 55,000 10% Onions 7,306 7,600 96% Peaches 405 *1,600 25% Potatoes 8,527 15,000 57% Processing Beans 19,134 23,599 81% Processing Sweet Corn 7,512 8,687 86% Processing Tomatoes 0 N/A N/A Soybeans 234,087 323,722 72% Wheat 59,745 89,240 67%
Crop Pilot Programs Program County Availability Total Liability Apiculture (Rainfall Index) All Counties $1,389,880 Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (Rainfall Index) All Counties $19,869,152 Whole-Farm Revenue Production All Counties $10,047,102 Dollar Liability Program Total Dollar Liability Livestock Gross Margin – Dairy Cattle $21,265,175 Livestock Gross Margin – Swine $0 Nursery $579,231
- 15 Year Crop Insurance History for New York
Year Policies Earning Premium Net Acres Insured Liability Gross Premium Losses Loss Ratio 2004 4,460 739,689 237,108,937 17,112,638 19,930,422 1.16 2005 4,346 717,063 233,488,349 17,852,631 12,711,736 0.71 2006 4,284 747,817 249,751,335 18,593,818 20,181,398 1.09 2007 4,119 769,796 298,911,539 21,844,446 15,046,780 0.69 2008 4,145 811,817 357,147,081 26,820,832 21,679,673 0.81 2009 4,336 864,622 355,292,924 27,463,540 29,585,486 1.08 2010 4,285 898,816 369,590,895 28,026,882 25,992,170 0.93 2011 4,343 952,633 527,865,556 38,157,023 46,280,887 1.21 2012 4,515 1,017,370 579,436,594 38,491,403 67,400,833 1.75 2013 4,646 1,048,323 617,940,346 44,108,474 38,949,980 0.88 2014 4,773 1,087,052 624,968,278 46,545,998 41,665,827 0.90 2015 4,780 1,066,262 746,875,220 52,015,993 52,906,510 1.02 2016 4,551 1,064,579 555,323,455 48,473,561 66,309,772 1.37 2017 4,495 1,081,952 572,968,709 53,643,223 51,212,784 0.95 2018 4,434 1,086,785 621,795,934 56,156,180 19,996,874 0.36
- Where to Buy Crop Insurance
All multi-peril crop insurance, including Catastrophic Risk Protection policies, are available from private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA service centers and on RMA’s website.
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