Virginia Crop Insurance
State Profile 2017
Revised February 2018
Crops Insured Acres
Total Acres
Percent Insured
Apples 5,270 *10,300 51% Barley 9,223 30,000 31% Cabbage 69 399 17% Canola 1,058 NA NA Corn 357,851 500,000 72% Cotton
80,921 84,000 96% Fresh Market Beans 609 NA NA Fresh Market Sweet Corn 0 NA NA Fresh Market Tomatoes 222 NA NA Grain Sorghum 4,106 8,811 47%
Oats 202 3,880 5% Peaches 914 1,200 76% Peanuts 22,462 27,000 83% Potatoes 3,889 5,000 78% Processing Beans 352 NA NA Processing Tomatoes 0 NA NA Soybeans 517,620 600,000 86% Tobacco – Burley 399 1,100 36% Tobacco – Dark-air 0 NA NA Tobacco – Fire-cured 224 270 83% Tobacco – Flue-cured 20,891 22,000 95% Wheat 114,496 210,000 55% *Total acres is 2016 NASS data Crop Pilot Programs Program County Availability
Total Liability
Apiculture (Rainfall Index)
All Counties
$17,878 Cultivated Clams
Accomack, Northampton
$12,66,787 Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (Rainfall Index)
All Counties
$7,286,845 Whole-Farm Revenue Protection
All Counties
$5,101,615 Dollar Liability Program
Total Dollar Liability
Livestock Gross Margin - Dairy Cattle
$0 Livestock Gross Margin - Swine
$0 Livestock Risk Protection - Fed Cattle
$0 Livestock Risk Protection - Feeder Cattle
$2,719,288 Livestock Risk Protection - Lamb
$0 Livestock Risk Protection - Swine
$0 Nursery $30,837,975
- 15 Year Crop Insurance History for Virginia
Year Policies Earning Premium
Net Acres Insured
Liability Gross Premium
Losses Loss Ratio
2003 8,719 972,152 304,368,823 23,180,372 37,681,262 1.63 2004
8,672 996,043 342,606,425 28,218,521 15,160,121 0.54 2005
6,744 969,569 273,913,344 23,394,289 16,117,507 0.69 2006
6,203 944,140 289,785,191 26,423,574 16,992,717 0.64 2007
6,273 986,554 367,381,555 37,333,657 62,627,180 1.68 2008
6,503 1,070,875 477,525,249 56,760,378 54,536,469 0.96 2009
6,746 1,119,914 414,782,860 49,861,760 27,637,273 0.55 2010
6,650 1,154,936 424,181,707 47,032,514 118,847,168 2.53 2011
7,117 1,260,050 607,741,441 75,198,109 39,128,000 0.52 2012
7,238 1,291,371 592,426,871 51,757,461 69,581,195 0.74 2013
7,518 1,360,582 636,200,901 70,555,642 25,847,883 0.37 2014
7,278 1,332,263 590,728,823 64,746,875 26,800,320 0.41 2015
7,015 1,276,142 534,292,559 64,882,998 38,951,131 0.60 2016
6,728 1,241,372 504,989,256 62,870,047 52,451,150 0.83 2017
6,604 1,204,614 535,836,035 67,212,367 25,495,159 0.38
- Where to Buy Crop Insurance
All multi-peril crop insurance, including Catastrophic Risk Protection policies, are available from private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA service centers and on RMA’s website.
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