Idaho Crop Insurance
State Profile 2018
Revised March 2019
Insured Acres Total Acres
Percent Insured
Alfalfa Seed
4,320 8,400 51% Apple 1,253 2,300 54% Barley 355,996 550,000 65% Canola / Rapeseed 34,460 40,000 86% Cherries 13 800 2% Corn 114,306 360,000 32% Dry Beans 18,035 51,000 35% Dry Peas 142,902 177,000 81% Flax 0 1,800 0% Forage Production 5,007 1,155,000 1% Grapes 433 1,300 33% Green Peas 0 5,200 0% Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed 1,521 4,500 34% Mint 4,153 17,000 24% Mustard 6,323 17,500 36% Oats 2,317 24,000 10% Onions 4,643 8,200 57% Potatoes 215,352 315,000 68% Processing Sweet Corn 0 400 0% Safflower 9,234 22,000 42% Stonefruit 751 1,780 42% Sugar Beets 122,301 163,000 75% Table Grapes 0 12 0% Triticale 107 42,500 1% Wheat 870,258 1,105,000 79% Crop Pilot Programs Program County Availability Liability Apiculture (Vegetation) All Counties $1,690,659
Cherries (Actual Revenue History) Canyon, Gem, Owyhee, Payette, and Washington Counties. $37,726
Pasture, Rangeland and Forage (Vegetation) All Counties $12,125,904 Whole-Farm Revenue Protection Pilot All Counties $256,034,513 Dollar Liability Program Total Dollar Liability Livestock Gross Margin – Dairy $18,480 Livestock Risk Protection – Fed Cattle $0 Livestock Risk Protection – Feeder Cattle $2,461,072 Livestock Risk Protection – Lamb $3,571,521 Nursery (Dollar) $10,283,397
- 15 Year Crop Insurance History for Idaho
Data current as of February 15, 2019. For current data go to RMA’s Summary of Business tool.
Year Policies Earning
Net Acres
Liability Gross Premium
Losses Loss Ratio
6,062 1,750,140 511,270,355 41,992,060 11,991,050 0.29 2005
6,318 1,848,178 536,790,401 42,229,957 16,742,117 0.40 2006
6,043 1,811144 517,987,633 38,464,768 8,396,933 0.22 2007
6,289 2,153,544 593,363,911 42,995,067 18,632,874 0.43 2008 5,950 2,049,461 745,106,058 60,031,807 41,079,773 0.68 2009
5,932 2,140,711 971,129,107 89,978,032 98,366,839 1.09 2010
6,166 2,047,186 793,981,073 62,263,979 19,806,852 0.32 2011
6,246 2,130,145 1,015,644,230 83,306,104 41,660,789 0.50 2012
6,304 2,182,173 1,032,339,295 73,555,278 19,594,874 0.27 2013
6,484 2,273,693 1,122,915,729 79,614,718 35,388,226 0.44 2014
6,316 2,268,595 1,023,799,460 67,401,412 33,125,076 0.49 2015
6,020 2,204,321 960,418,642 55,355,466 49,752,470 0.90 2016
5,847 2,055,604 1,176,383,494 71,174,698 8,398,295 0.12 2017
5,673 2,051,369 1,120,947,922 64,903,484 32,081,527 0.49 2018 5,520 2,590,372 1,174,803,378 68,907,327 21,934,948 0.32
- Where to Buy Crop Insurance
All multi-peril crop insurance, including Catastrophic Risk Protection policies, are available from private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA service centers and on RMA’s website.
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