Connecticut Crop Insurance
State Profile 2017
Revised February 2018
Crops Insured Acres Total Acres Percent Insured Apples 799 1,800* 44% Corn 13,683 24,000 57% Fresh Market Sweet Corn 942 N/A N/A Peaches 52 175 30% Potatoes 20 29 69% Tobacco – Cigar Binder 2,062 1,961 100% Tobacco – Cigar Wrapper 51 N/A N/A
Crop Pilot Programs Program County Availability Total Liability Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (Rainfall Index) All Counties $100,764 Whole-Farm Revenue Protection All Counties $0
Dollar Liability Program Total Dollar Liability Livestock Gross Margin – Dairy Cattle $199,170 Livestock Gross Margin – Swine $0 Nursery $0
- 15 Year Crop Insurance History for Connecticut
Year Policies Earning Premium Net Acres Insured Liability Gross Premium Losses Loss Ratio 2003 346 23,170 71,289,145 3,398,155 8,581,126 2.53 2004 333 24,207 76,940,341 3,270,336 2,624,892 0.80 2005 296 22,191 69,885,604 3,501,470 1,961,387 0.56 2006 307 22,649 79,770,158 3,451,165 5,149,822 1.49 2007 296 23,869 79,641,665 4,214,309 1,522,752 0.36 2008 299 23,351 78,217,673 4,568,824 5,994,471 1.31 2009 297 22,751 76,317,853 4,897,082 13,980,372 2.85 2010 292 23,354 72,931,299 4,757,166 4,596,939 0.97 2011 286 23,446 68,396,272 5,086,039 7,021,850 1.38 2012 287 24,699 64,475,472 5,659,605 4,947,658 0.87 2013 289 24,608 53,738,425 5,813,648 4,577,133 0.79 2014 262 23,279 42,784,308 5,104,321 2,837,635 0.56 2015 220 19,776 38,094,906 5,142,771 2,367,247 0.46 2016 205 18,560 30,923,137 4,770,851 2,301,893 0.48 2017 212 17,972 30,672,716 5,287,066 2,187,261 0.41
- Where to Buy Crop Insurance
All multi-peril crop insurance, including Catastrophic Risk Protection policies, are available from private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA service centers and on RMA’s website.
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