Crops Insured Acres
Total Acres
Percent Insured
Apples 502 1,300** 39%
Barley 75 N/A N/A
Burley Tobacco 634 N/A N/A
Corn 4,583,297 5,350,000 86%
Cucumbers 3,393 N/A N/A
Grain Sorghum
6,400 N/A N/A
Hybrid Corn Seed
41,310 N/A N/A
Mint 4,430 9,800 45%
Oats 0 15,000 N/A
60,021 N/A N/A
Potatoes 900 N/A N/A
Processing Beans
901 N/A N/A
Soybeans 4,966,775 5,950,000 83%
Tomatoes 7,217 8,000 90%
Wheat 149,342 310,000 48%

** Most recent NASS Data available is from 2017, as reporting parameters have changed for fruit crops. Perennial acreage sees minimal change.

N/A = Not Available

Crop Pilot Programs
Program County Availability
Total Liability
Whole Farm Revenue Protection
All Counties

Bartholomew, Elkhart, Fulton, Jackson, Jasper, Knox,Kosciusko, La Porte, Lagrange, Marshall, Porter, Pulaski,St Joseph, and Starke County

Dollar Liability Program
Total Dollar Liability
Area Risk Protection Insurance (ARPI)
Area Risk Protection Insurance–Harvest Price Exclusion (ARPI)
Livestock Gross Margin (LGM)
Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) 238,547
Nursery 332,705
15 Year Crop Insurance History for Indiana
Year Policies Earning Premium
Net Acres Insured
Liability Gross Premium
Losses Loss Ratio
2004 41,438 7,283,722 2,030,703,078 162,099,883 93,804,911  0.58
2005 42,004 7,704,634 2,002,812,466 163,314,451 38,942,535 0.24
2006 40,682 7,785,011 2,321,033,899 194,348,438 35,160,245 0.18
2007 39,856
7,797,901 3,499,131,915 300,939,269 110,121,701 0.37
2008 40,396 7,824,614 4,617,147,027 449,367,282 524,765,981 1.17
2009 42,181 8,242,395 3,749,589,077 384,123,675 96,676,899 0.25
2010 40,993 8,272,772 3,764,537,314 305,454,447 82,026,600 0.27
2011 42,921 8,556,637 5,762,524,848 512,812,721 133,759,373 0.26
2012 43,492 8,745,475 5,761,469,545 437,698,659 1,484,502,434 3.39
2013 48,052 9,324,807 6,287,936,772 467,321,472 85,585,874 0.18
2014 47,769 9,369,523 5,165,210,788 376,830,320 145,545,409 0.39
2015 46,459 9,362,875 4,669,510,719 368,410,670 281,213,748 0.76
2016 46,216 9,464,172 4,416,593,616 338,636,251 61,002,279 0.18
2017 45,003 9,518,964 4,793,222,052 380,489,254 109,610,484 0.08
2018  45,100  9,847,331  5,062,194,932  353,631,413  59,472,950 0.17
Data current as of February 15, 2019. For current data go to RMA’s Summary of Business tool.
Where to Buy Crop Insurance

All multi-peril crop insurance, including Catastrophic Risk Protection policies, are available from private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA service centers and on RMA's website.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (866) 632-9992 (Toll-free Customer Service), (800) 877-8339 (Local or Federal relay), (866) 377-8642 (Relay voice users).