Crops Insured Acres Total Acres Percent Insured
Barley 46 N/A -
Corn 12,234,299 13,200,000 93%
Forage Production 5,912 940,000 1%
Grain Sorghum 13 N/A -
Green Peas 1,310 N/A -
Oats 7,850 135,000 6%
Popcorn 5,836 N/A -
Potatoes 331 N/A -
Soybeans 9,382,765 10,000,000 94%
Sweet Corn 2,275 N/A -
Wheat 3,515 16,000 22%
- Insured Acres include Prevented Planting acres
- Total Acres are official National Agricultural Statistics Service estimates
- N/A - Not Available
Crop Pilot Programs
Program County Availability Total Liability
Apiculture – Rainfall Index All Iowa counties $1,275,461
Livestock Gross Margin – Cattle, Dairy Cattle, & Swine All Iowa counties $17,060,214
Livestock Risk Protection – Fed Cattle, Feeder Cattle, Lamb, & Swine All Iowa counties $8,576,935
Pasture, Rangeland, Forage – Rainfall Index All Iowa counties $7,962,070
Popcorn – Revenue Protection and Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion Benton, Black Hawk, Buena Vista, Calhoun, Carroll, Crawford, Emmet, Fremont, Greene, Guthrie, Harrison, Ida, Kossuth, Mills, Monona, Montgomery, Palo Alto, Plymouth, Pottawattamie, Ringgold, Sac, Shelby, Story, Taylor, and Woodbury counties $2,736,522
Whole Farm Revenue Protection All Iowa counties $10,926,694
 Dollar Liability Program  Total Dollar Liability
 Apiculture - Rainfall Index $1,275,461
 Forage Seeding $2,062,001
 Hybrid Corn Seed $71,908,409
 Livestock Gross Margin – Cattle $908,412
 Livestock Gross Margin – Dairy Cattle $9,914,631
 Livestock Gross Margin – Swine $6,237,171
 Livestock Risk Protection – Fed Cattle $2,545,202
 Livestock Risk Protection – Feeder Cattle $5,452,367
 Livestock Risk Protection – Lamb $299,197
 Livestock Risk Protection – Swine $280,169
 Nursery $308,061
 Pasture, Rangeland, Forage - Rainfall Index $7,962,070
 Whole Farm Revenue Protection $10,926,694
15 Year Crop Insurance History for Iowa
Year Policies Earning Premium
Net Acres Insured
Liability Gross Premium
Losses Loss Ratio
 130,266  19,740,012  5,066,875,118  354,412,866  108,903,182  0.31
 127,406  19,922,003  4,501,358,678  310,393,020  72,791,338  0.23
 125,514  20,186,154  5,281,556,438  366,659,256  58,339,458  0.16
 121,625  20,272,476  8,282,271,512  600,079,446  90,590,038  0.15
 123,932  20,612,871  11,644,486,899  914,358,700  1,096,349,008  1.20
 127,361  21,055,120  9,158,169,937  743,520,867  168,148,847  0.23
 124,260  21,150,045  9,330,658,090  592,194,197  350,721,911  0.59
 124,813  21,481,694  14,666,810,786  1,030,433,236  295,061,397  0.29
 126,469  21,730,881  14,940,478,420  902,867,753  2,016,224,095  2.23
 130,112  22,177,777  15,510,938,480  946,938,252  2,040,427,528  2.15
 128,988 22,230,420 13,289,124,613 738,475,557  1,409,963,637 1.91
 127,051 22,182,539 11,816,762,444 722,747,784 146,913,898 0.20
 123,282 21,918,448 10,957,741,147 596,675,483 54,283,328 0.09
 2017  121,898 21,872,027 11,787,736,990 695,255,935 164,545,165  0.24
2018 119,847 21,804,360 11,943,013,872 624,950,362 301,925,035  0.48
Data current as of January 25, 2019. For current data go to RMA’s Summary of Business tool.
Where to Buy Crop Insurance
All multi-peril crop insurance, including Catastrophic Risk Protection policies, are available from private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA service centers and on RMA’s website.
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