Louisiana Crop Insurance
State Profile 2018
Revised February 2019
Crops Insured Acres Total Acres Percent Insured Blueberries 135 N/A N/A Corn 542,922 460,000 *118% Cotton 188,455 195,000 97% Grain Sorghum 7,610 15,000 95% Oats 870 N/A N/A Peaches 5 N/A N/A Peanuts N/A N/A Pecans 628 N/A N/A Rice 375,292 440,000 85% Soybeans 1,273,454 1,340,000 95% Sugarcane 364,245 457,200 80% Sweet Potatoes 6,466 8,500 76% Wheat 22,374 15,000 *149%
Crop Pilot Programs Program Parish Availability Total Liability Apiculture All Parishes $2,436,897 Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) – Dairy Cattle All Parishes N/A Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) – Swine All Parishes N/A Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) – Fed Cattle All Parishes N/A Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) – Feeder Cattle All Parishes $4,987 Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) – Swine All Parishes N/A Nursery Grower's Price Endorsement All Parishes N/A Oysters Cameron, Iberia, Jefferson, Lafourche, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Mary, Terrebonne, Vermilion N/A Pasture, Rangeland, Forage All Parishes $9,327,608 Whole Farm Revenue Protection All Parishes $5,880,934
Dollar Liability Program Program Total Dollar Liability Hybrid Seed Rice $2,127,471 Nursery $11,918,436
- 15 Year Crop Insurance History for Louisiana
Year Policies Earning Premium Net Acres Insured Liability Gross Premium Losses Loss Ratio 2004 10,274 2,838,205 403,427,582 37,251,593 29,458,745 0.79 2005 9,423 2,648,309 367,167,429 33,546,452 17,329,684 0.52 2006 8,331 2,522,109 387,088,613 37,592,066 21,848,405 0.58 2007 8,760 2,663,156 488,999,528 50,778,260 15,786,694 0.31 2008 9,100 2,835,933 606,289,901 62,981,725 76,348,458 1.21 2009 8,085 2,735,545 686,036,875 75,664,101 64,906,109 0.86 2010 8,186
2,761,606 721,211,559 76,623,465 32,549,113 0.42 2011 8,491 2,785,985 984,101,512 101,942,981 64,511,050 0.63 2012 8,468 2,815,336 959,638,952 94,459,859 32,327,324 0.34 2013 8,243 2,845,368 1,109,057,457 98,684,158 28,410,200 0.29 2014 8,036 2,876,948 1,009,145,316 81,814,494 30,366,357 0.37 2015 7,915 2,897,873 890,400,039 73,130,199 83,866,041 1.15 2016 8,188 3,063,740 945,804,465 75,104,828 97,969,605 1.30 2017 7,368 2,779,470 977,070,492 83,227,814 52,739,958 0.63 2018 7,224 2,855,427 1,093,566,040 79,551,288 76,253,765 0.96
- Where to Buy Crop Insurance
All multi-peril crop insurance, including Catastrophic Risk Protection policies, are available from private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA service centers and on RMA’s website.
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