Crops Insured Acres Total Acres Percent Insured
 Apples 345 *2,400 14%
 Barley 317 1,464 22%
 Blueberries 6,692 *10,000 67%
 Corn 51,134 77,000 66%
 Cranberries 1,306 *2,500 52%
 Forage Production 0 3,380 0%
 Forage Seeding 0 0 N/A
 Fresh Market Sweet Corn 616 2,081 30%
 Grain Sorghum 44 1,423 3%
 Grapes 8 295 3%
 Oats 286 535 53%
 Peaches 2,646 *4,700 56%
 Potatoes 299 1,710 17%
 Processing Beans 190 238 80%
 Processing Tomatoes 810 1,137 71%
 Soybeans 79,595 104,296 76%
 Wheat 8,736 12,677 69%
*Total acres from 2017 NASS data
Crop Pilot Programs
 Program County Availability Total Liability
 Apiculture (Rainfall Index) All Counties $251,681
 Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (Rainfall Index) All Counties $164,851
 Whole-Farm Revenue Protection All Counties $1,768,031
 Dollar Liability Program Total Dollar Liability
 Livestock Gross Margin – Dairy Cattle $0
 Livestock Gross Margin – Swine $0
 Nursery $3,645,419
15 Year Crop Insurance History for New Jersey
Year Policies Earning
Net Acres
Liability Gross Premium Losses Loss Ratio
 2004 1,096 161,119 72,698,186 3,621,223 1,205,756 0.33
 2005 1,066 156,872 87,429,768 3,483,354 1,516,429 0.44
 2006 994 148,067 78,353,813 3,064,897 715,307 0.23
 2007 971 144,748 89,441,344 4,175,927 2,154,874 0.52
 2008 981 156,162 105,045,352 6,044,286 4,206,555 0.70
 2009 1,107 160,380 100,401,996 6,371,236 1,193,104 0.19
 2010 1,054 153,572 85,756,159 5,888,156 5,097,264 0.87
 2011 1,133 172,053 110,896,764 8,955,523 3,149,413 0.35
 2012 1,139 176,229 113,619,189 8,032,950 3,482,641 0.43
 2013 1,156 175,162 107,295,111 8,495,332 4,250,771 0.50
 2014 1,146 172,956 81,682,820 7,161,078 2,543,313 0.36
 2015 1,067 161,328 77,178,131 5,999,700 4,567,144 0.76
 2016 1,017 157,304 71,306,877 5,817,445 4,281,264 0.74
 2017 978 154,821 75,047,803 6,347,530 989,429 0.16
 2018 998 153,850 84,694,113 6,070,314 5,807,230 0.96
Data current as of March 13, 2019. For current data go to RMA’s Summary of Business tool.
Where to Buy Crop Insurance
All multi-peril crop insurance, including Catastrophic Risk Protection policies, are available from private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA service centers and on RMA’s website.
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