North Carolina Crop Insurance
State Profile 2018
Revised March 2019
Crops Insured Acres Total Acres Percent Insured Apples 4,280 4,571 94% Barley
3,631 7,155 51% Blueberries 8,215 *6,300 100% Cabbage 872 2,233 39% Canola 2,699 NA NA Clary Sage 12,918 NA NA Corn 802,718 870,778 92% Cotton 442,333 422,367 100% Cucumbers 496 7,498 7% Fresh Market Beans 2,894 5,657 51% Grain Sorghum 3,996 8,367 48% Grapes 424 1,196 35% Oats 2,827 8,103 35% Peaches 520 827 63% Peanuts 88,591 100,597 88% Potatoes 10,458 10,688 95% Processing Beans 402 405 99% Soybeans 1,468,572 1,634,761 90% Tobacco – Burley 273 495 55% Tobacco – Flue Cured 159,212 159,380 100% Wheat 342,958 403,112 85%
Crop Pilot Programs Program County Availability Total Liability Apiculture (Rainfall Index) All Counties $520,012 Pasture, Rangeland, Forage All Counties 7,488,290 Whole-Farm Revenue Protection All Counties $137,797,557 Dollar Liability Program Total Liability Livestock Gross Margin – Dairy Cattle $258,750 Livestock Gross Margin - Swine $0 Livestock Risk Protection - Fed Cattle $0 Livestock Risk Protection - Feeder Cattle $267,269 Livestock Risk Protection - Swine $0 Nursery $51,352,705
- 15 Year Crop Insurance History for North Carolina
Year Policies Earning
PremiumNet Acres
InsuredLiability Gross Premium Losses Loss Ratio 2004 24,995 3,158,063 1,089,351,466 89,511,521 64,637,826 0.72 2005 19,046 3,105,010 907,059,399 77,483,528 65,607,212 0.85 2006 17,847 3,057,350 1,021,529,042 88,915,593 108,651,756 1.22 2007 18,128 3,121,011 1,171,822,184 108,416,424 162,279,103 1.50 2008 19,018 3,398,406 1,481,128,516 160,198,963 186,990,453 1.17 2009 19,623 3,487,837 1,478,915,572 161,550,825 118,465,588 0.73 2010 19,313 3,521,120 1,445,316,899 155,364,000 196,432,759 1.26 2011 19,350 3,537,099 1,857,757,173 218,029,074 354,633,919 1.63 2012 20,358 3,695,515 1,786,847,650 201,991,358 85,048,414 0.42 2013 20,792 3,756,321 1,863,274,172 195,156,753 155,663,751 0.80 2014 19,840 3,734,307 1,869,061,617 182,642,356 106,777,215 0.58 2015 18,780 3,546,190 1,606,076,719 166,164,958 248,772,813 1.50 2016 19,017 3,651,507 1,619,404,755 177,590,157 277,889,744 1.56 2017 17,712 3,381,456 1,760,457,292 194,725,085 121,950,972 0.63 2018 17,413 3,413,273 1,796,084,149 195,033,806 327,683,813 1.68
- Where to Buy Crop Insurance
All multi-peril crop insurance, including Catastrophic Risk Protection policies, are available from private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA service centers and on RMA’s website.
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