Pennsylvania Crop Insurance
State Profile 2018
Revised March 2019
Crops Insured Acres Total Acres Percent Insured Apples 12,224 *20,000 61% Barley 4,007 20,529 20% Cabbage 0 844 0% Corn 639,855 855,334 75% Forage Production 3,592 96,265 4% Forage Seeding 674 NA NA Fresh Market Sweet Corn 1,332 3,560 37% Fresh Market Tomatoes 9 202 4% Grain Sorghum 1,340 4,398 30% Grapes 8,205 *13,000 63% Green Peas NA NA NA Oats 5,014 70,000 7% Peaches 1,526 *4,000 38% Pears 73 NA NA Potatoes 3,344 4,503 74% Processing Beans 5,678 6,122 93% Processing Sweet Corn 0 527 0% Processing Tomatoes 858 1125 76% Soybeans 368,213 552,350 67% Tobacco – Cigar Filler 103 *1,800 6% Tobacco - Maryland 0 *1,800 0% Wheat 44,241 *1,800 44% *Total acres from 2017 NASS data
Crop Pilot Programs Program County Availability Total Liability Apiculture (Rainfall Index) All Counties $120,796 Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (Rainfall Index) All Counties $29,678,203 Whole-Farm Revenue Protection All Counties $13,109,456 Dollar Liability Program Total Dollar Liability Livestock Gross Margin - Dairy Cattle $10,218,979 Livestock Gross Margin - Swine $176,865 Livestock Risk Protection - Lamb 0 Nursery $3,679,176
- 15 Year Crop Insurance History for Pennsylvania
Year Policies Earning
PremiumNet Acres
InsuredLiability Gross Premium Losses Loss Ratio 2004 12,452 1,175,136 283,963,761 32,627,031 15,028,096 0.46 2005 11,411 1,118,489 249,862,970 29,829,033 15,050,616 0.50 2006 10,557 1,082,612 248,170,303 32,495,883 18,040,704 0.56 2007 9,893 1,080,746 332,954,962 44,568,682 26,190,971 0.59 2008 9,758 1,070,067 408,729,650 57,385,926 36,274,415 0.63 2009 10,144 1,146,821 387,070,282 49,396,311 25,889,875 0.52 2010 9,459 1,175,663 391,962,745 45,203,119 34,248,093 0.76 2011 9,661 1,177,603 579,174,945 67,982,764 68,824,793 1.01 2012 9,793 1,233,159 595,534,462 64,380,742 25,797,509 0.40 2013 9,781 1,230,851 594,177,431 68,242,123 21,126,088 0.31 2014 9,506 1,214,223 532,227,532 63,828,060 25,765,635 0.40 2015 9,293 1,193,983 529,003,462 64,377,005 30,535,101 0.47 2016 8,882 1,185,015 479,073,952 60,931,991 59,478,785 0.98 2017 8,534 1,183,716 503,318,513 60,373,630 15,629,492 0.26 2018 8,187 1,163,013 500,359,480 56,632,443 38,262,859 0.68 Data Current as of March 2019. For current data go to RMA's Summary of Business tool.
- Where to Buy Crop Insurance
All multi-peril crop insurance, including Catastrophic Risk Protection policies, are available from private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA service centers and on RMA’s website.
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