Tennessee Crop Insurance
State Profile 2016
Released January 2017
Crops Insured Acres Total Acres Percent Insured Apples 50 N/A N/A Barley
596 N/A N/A Beans (Processing)
0 N/A N/A Canola 3,723 N/A N/A Corn 719,298 880,000 82% Cotton 231,598 255,000 91% Grain Sorghum
4,141 N/A N/A Oats 77 N/A N/A Peaches 231 N/A N/A Rice 2,029 N/A N/A Soybeans 1,369,725 1,660,000 83% Tobacco - Burley
10,233 12,000 85% Tobacco - Fire Cured
4,886 7,000 70% Tomatoes - Fresh Market
1,597 N/A N/A Wheat 303,769 400,000 76% Crop Pilot Programs Program County Availability
Total Liability Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) - Dairy
All Counties
N/A Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) - Swine
All Counties
N/A Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) - Swine
All Counties
N/A Livestock Risk Protection 9LRP) - Fed Cattle
All Counties
N/A Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) - Feeder Cattle
All Counties
$874,608 Pasture, Rangeland, Forage
All Counties
$7,767,266 Whole-Farm Revenue Protection
All Counties
$12,225,598 Dollar Liability Program
Program Total Dollar Liability
Nursery $43,817,449
- 15 Year Crop Insurance History for Tennessee
Policies Earning
Net Acres
InsuredLiability Gross Premium Losses
Loss Ratio 2002 12,307
1,894,817 527,805,280 27,710,060 28,776,923 1.04 2003 11,289
1,863,963 564,416,833 30,906,272 29,113,471 0.94 2004 10,901
1,882,901 635,718,573 35,754,346 19,095,059 0.53 2005 9,202
1,865,714 634,118,822 32,357,278 15,034,399 0.46 2006 8,618
1,841,238 567,110,666 33,398,308 18,341,152 0.55 2007 9,179
1,933,536 670,349,385 46,962,528 110,169,230 2.35 2008 10,427
2,323,456 931,099,137 84,539,122 86,922,304 1.03 2009 10,284
2,371,820 817,218,568 84,344,864 55,136,511 0.65 2010 9,826
2,344,607 726,578,021 76,288,062 70,895,517 0.93 2011 10,693
2,577,855 1,126,598,177 124,235,711 66,298,830 0.53 2012 11,019
2,690,621 1,064,923,830 103,566,520 150,556,583 1.45 2013 12,197
2,838,877 1,122,038,775 114,862,456 43,775,262 0.38 2014 12,012
2,716,226 998,199,418 102,758,833 49,367,111 0.48 2015 11,657
2,781,265 888,078,575 94,014,990 47,683,967 0.51 2016 11,166
2,702,035 864,668,493 93,982,660 38,395,087 0.41
- Where to Buy Crop Insurance
All multi-peril crop insurance, including Catastrophic Risk Protection policies, are available from private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA service centers and on RMA’s website.
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