Crops Insured Acres Total Acres Percent Insured
Apples  1,010  2,156  47%
Barley   198  929  21%
Corn  26,417  37,110  71%
Oats  12 339 4%
Peaches  369 554 67%
Soybeans 19,461 26,002 75%
Tobacco - Burley 2 7 29%
Wheat 2,328 3,962 59%
Crop Pilot Programs
Program County Availability  Total Liability
 Apiculture (Rainfall Index)  All Counties  $0
 Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (Rainfall Index)  All Counties  $381,776
 Whole-Farm Revenue Protection  All Counties  $0
 Dollar Liability Program  Total Dollar Liability
 Livestock Gross Margin – Cattle $0
 Livestock Gross Margin – Dairy Cattle $0
 Livestock Gross Margin – Swine $0
 Livestock Risk Protection – Fed Cattle $0
 Livestock Risk Protection – Feeder Cattle $101,534
 Livestock Risk Protection – Lamb $0
 Livestock Risk Protection – Swine $0
 Nursery $0
15 Year Crop Insurance History for West Virginia
Year Policies Earning
Net Acres
Liability Gross Premium Losses Loss Ratio
2004  648  49,309  14,290,359  1,803,073  1,583,236  0.88
2005  499  45,412  11,468,750  1,290,133  721,955  0.56
2006   434  41,811  10,730,983  1,367,686  782,226  0.57
2007   410  43,873  13,832,559  1,846,778  2,159,626  1.17
2008   408  45,622  17,843,539  2,563,482  958,449  0.37
2009   405  47,380  16,694,488  2,317,833  1,046,871  0.45
2010   389  47,866  16,891,451  2,138,124  4,149,547  1.94
2011   393  47,553  21,524,184  2,737,730  1,743,504  0.64
2012   398  49,395  22,574,347  2,617,109  671,576  0.26
2013   400  51,611  22,523,730  2,690,143  878,423  0.33
2014   381  51,647  23,097,925  2,442,722  1,253,785  0.51
2015   352  49,908  20,365,642  2,369,300  1,144,557  0.48
2016   344  49,590  17,779,054  2,183,663  1,110,608  0.51
2017   348  51,220  20,028,337  2,152,322  444,354  0.21
2018   318  51,276  19,723,126  2,132,988  1,545,837  0.72

Data Current as of March 14, 2019. For current data go to RMA's Summary of Business tool

Where to Buy Crop Insurance

All multi-peril crop insurance, including Catastrophic Risk Protection policies, are available from private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA service centers and on RMA’s website.


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